Monday, November 30, 2009

Screen Prints

These illustrations are going to be screen printed onto cover weight paper and made into trading card. They will be 5X7 with a pattern on the reverse side and I haven't decided on whether I will include typography. This is being done for an abstract in a hand process class that I am taking. I wanted to focus on how animals' natural habits relate to our workforce and the jobs that we are trained and paid for. 

Magazine Spreads

These spreads were done for an assignment last semester based on a grid created in InDesign. The focus of the spreads had to be related to the "green" movement in some way for a magazine titled, Greenhouse. For my main article, I chose to highlight eco-friendly vehicles and the new innovations being explored in some of the latest models. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dealing with Space

So this is obviously an astronaut, if you couldn't tell. It's a spread (two pages) that folds in the middle as part of a promotional booklet that will be available at the Portfolio Show coming up on Thursday. I wanted a design that challenges the way some people deal with space and how to look at an image in a book and why not use an astronaut to help convey this? 

ATTN Poster

This again is some artwork that I'm doing for ATTN. I wanted the appearance of a screen print without actually screen printing and a retro or mod type of feel. I'm looking to incorporate this with some of the other art that I'm doing for the band. 

Gene Harris Jazz Poster

I designed this piece last year for the Gene Harris Jazz Festival. It wasn't chosen for the festival, but it is a piece I enjoy. In my research on Gene Harris, I discovered that he used to play at the Idanha downtown and the background is inspired by that. When printed the background looked like crushed velvet which made people want to touch it. 

Postcards Continued

This is an addition to some previous postcards that I worked on earlier this year. It's 6.5 X 4.5 inches and done in the same manner as my prior ones involving mixed media with the finishing touches completed in Photoshop. 

Postcards Version 2.0

Here are a couple of examples of some new postcards I have been working on. They are based on the same idea as the previous ones I had started. Each includes the scientific name of the animal and on the reverse side there is an explanation of the information. As far as size, these are 4.5 X 6.5 inches. 


I'm working with the band ATTN and creating some artwork that I hope will help establish an 'identity' for them. The are a local band that can be described as progressive indie rock. The pieces above are an initial rendering for a cd cover and layout that is 5X5 when folded. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Meating Cards Continued

Here are two more additions to my meating card series. I added text to these ones and am doing a play on words (obviously). The first one represents the closed version and the second one is the card open. The closed pig version is 7X5 and the closed chicken one is 5X7.

Friday, May 8, 2009


So this is a larger piece which proved to more challenging than previous stencils that I have done. It's spray paint on canvas with the canvas being 47 X 19.5. This is Barack Obama, in case you didn't know, and it took 4 different stencils to complete. 


These postcards were an illustration project. I used mixed media with the animals being hand drawn. The text on the front of the postcards are the scientific names for the red fox (which is on top) and the antelope jackrabbit (which is on the bottom).